Organizations or persons donating $1000+
American Legion Charities
American Legion, Connecticut Department
102nd Association
Connecticut Council for the Social Studies
Mr. Richard D’Avino & Ms. Pamela J. Murphy
Organizations or persons donating $500-$999
American Legion Post 96 Hayes-Velhage West Hartford
Mr. Robert D. Harris Jr.
Keeler Tavern Museum and History Center
New Haven Museum
Ms. Mary Tierney – In memory of her grandfather PFC Walter C.
Organizations or persons donating $5-$499
Ms. Sharon Rodrigue Baretta
Ms. Elaine Borselle
BP Products, Inc.
Rev. Richard J. Cam
Ms. Kathleen Chapman
Mrs. Inge Coates – in memory of her grandfather Albert P. Bull, Co. M, 102d Infantry Regiment, 26th Division
Ms. Patricia Conroy & Mr. Anthony Lovotti
Mr. Alan Crane
Ms. Kristen Day
Divine Providence Parish
Ms. Carol Denehy
Mr. Philip Devlin – in memory of George Rossi, Co. K, 102nd Infantry Regiment, 26th Division
Mr. Robert DiBella – in memory of John P. Novello
Mr. John Dillon – In memory of his father, Sgt. John T. Dillon, Co. C, 102nd Infantry Regiment, 26th “Yankee” Division
Drum Hill Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution
Mr. & Mrs. Normand & Hugette Dube
Ms. Peggy Facciolo
Ms. Patricia Falvey
Ms. Heidi Field
Paul Francis & Co.
Mr. Thomas Fuschman
Mr. John Gallup
Mr. Thomas Gelormino / Vet’s Explosives
Ms. Dragan Gill
Ms. Sharon Hannah
Mr. Robert D. Harris, Jr.
Mr. Dan Hayden
Ms. Sharon Hannah – in memory of her grandfather Roland W. Malboeuf Sr., Co. B, 102d Infantry Regiment, 26th Division
Ms. Julie Hulten
Mr. Courtland Jindra
Ms. Elizabeth Karhu
Ms. Bernadette Krayeski – in memory of Pvt. John J. Ryan,
Co. M, 102d Infantry Regiment, 26th Division
Ms. Linda M. Lepper
Ms. Judith Lohman
Mr. Stephen Michna
Pandion LLC
Ms. Candy Perez
Mr. John Reynolds – in memory of his grandfather Cpl. John Edgar Reynolds
Mr. Patrick Ring – in memory of his great-grandfather Pvt. William H. Ring, Co. C, 307th Infantry Regiment, 77th Division
George W. Ripley III
Mr. Anthony Roy
Dr. Thomas & Patricia Santora
Paul Schiff Studio
Ms. Mary Shea – in memory of 1st LT. Alan Ross McLean, 102d Infantry Regiment, 26th Division
Ms. Katherine F. Sopchak – in memory of Roland W. Malboeuf Sr., Co. B, 102d Infantry Regiment, 26th Division
Mr. Howard Swanson – in memory of his uncle Jacob Bernasconi, Co. F, 102d Infantry Regiment, 26th Division
Ms. Dorian Taylor – In memory of her great-uncle Pvt. Alexander Chalmers Love, Co. C, 312th Infantry Regiment, 78th Division
Mr. Steven Temkin
Mr. Lucian Tercyak
Torrington Historical Society
Mr. Thomas Utendorf – In memory of Matteo Veronica, Bari, Italy
Ms. Elizabeth Varrichio
VFW Post 511
Ms. Mayada Wadsworth
Windsor Historical Society
Ms. Amy Winiger
Mr. Edward Wittkofski
Ms. Cierra Zaslowe-Dude

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